10 Steps to Build a Successful and Cohesive Team

10 Steps to Build a Successful and Cohesive Team

Mastering the art of management alone isn't enough to guarantee success. 

Without a cohesive and responsive team, failure is inevitable. 

This truth drives project owners and companies to invest heavily in human resources, explaining the increasing expenses on training and professional development each year. 

The success of tech companies in Silicon Valley, like Twitter and Facebook, which focus on employee satisfaction and fostering a collaborative environment, has changed the game. 

Effective leadership now hinges on motivation and emotional intelligence. 

Building and managing a cohesive team is not as easy as some might think; it requires adhering to certain standards, which we will explore in this article.

Practical Steps to Building a Successful, Cohesive Team (Effective Leadership)

I have outlined the best practical steps for building a successful and cohesive team to help companies and project owners enhance effective leadership and boost productivity at minimal cost.

1. Hiring Professionals and Experienced Individuals

Building a successful team starts with relying on talents and competencies, which won't happen without dedicating enough time to carefully review all applications. 

Most HR experts recommend dividing the hiring process into two stages. 

The first stage involves initial selection based on academic qualifications and professional experience. 

The second stage is a direct interview, allowing you to assess the applicant's personality and compatibility with the company's culture. 

Another important point is allocating a respectable budget for training, which helps enhance the quality of human resources and improve productivity.

2. Accurately Defining the Project Plan and Details

Advance planning and earning employee trust contribute to achieving satisfactory results. Therefore, you must first convince the team of the project's viability. 

This is done by setting a clear action plan with a defined timeline, as employees generally dislike ambiguity and taking risks. 

You can also present the project details to the team to gather feedback and suggestions, which might help correct some mistakes in the project plan. 

Another important note is the necessity of thinking outside the box when preparing the plan, offering an additional challenge and motivation for the team.

3. Assigning Tasks and Responsibilities Based on Skill Levels

Effective team leadership involves precisely distributing tasks, which helps share roles and ensure everyone knows their responsibilities. This step ensures maximum performance and avoids dependency, especially since relationships between team members are not always friendly. 

While everyone shows mutual respect in meetings, it's hard to know their personal relationships. 

Task distribution should be based on skills rather than preferences, as employees need to feel the manager's authority and understand their role in the team is complementary. 

Avoid excessive favoritism to maintain control over the team, as arrogance can quickly creep in, making it hard to curb personal ambitions.

4. Effective Communication

Remember, building a successful and cohesive team requires mastering key teamwork skills, with participation and good listening being paramount. 

A silent team is prone to collapse and disband quickly, as any unresolved issue can become a serious problem in the future. 

Encourage a culture of constructive dialogue and opinion exchange to ensure all team members are involved in decision-making. 

Humility when dealing with team members helps secure effective communication and build trust. 

For example, avoid reprimanding or criticizing an employee's performance publicly to prevent embarrassment and negative impacts.

5. Improving Working Conditions

Before demanding top performance and timely project completion, you must provide ideal working conditions. 

This ensures the team works at full capacity, as mental well-being greatly affects productivity. 

Improve the work environment with the following measures:

  • Use project management software accessible to the team.
  • Provide comfortable office equipment, particularly lighting, chairs, and computers.
  • Schedule breaks to disrupt the daily routine.
  • Allow employees to work from home if possible.
  • Offer additional perks like meal vouchers.
  • Organize team events occasionally.

6. Using Emotional Intelligence

Great leaders understand the importance of emotional intelligence, especially its role in creating a healthy environment for discussion and resolving issues with minimal effort. 

It also allows adaptability to various situations and managing excessive emotions, crucial for leading a passionate and enthusiastic team.

While a detailed article on this topic can be provided later, the benefits of using emotional intelligence in team management include:

  • Listening well and expressing empathy appropriately.
  • Earning respect and admiration from team members.
  • Reading others' thoughts and anticipating reactions.
  • Arguing logically and persuading easily.

7. Taking the Initiative

A successful manager combines authority and leadership simultaneously, exercising all powers to keep the team under control. 

You must also foresee potential problems by preparing to handle any future scenarios. 

A successful manager isn't cowardly or defeatist; instead, they proactively motivate the team and devise alternative plans. 

Never stand idly by as the team collapses; take the initiative to offer solutions and make decisive decisions. 

For example, if a conflict arises, don't hesitate to discipline those responsible, even if it means suspending or permanently dismissing them from the company.

8. Flexibility and Adapting to Results

The era of management based solely on numbers and results is over. 

Human resources experts increasingly emphasize the importance of psychological aspects. 

No one likes working under pressure or with a tight schedule, especially with tedious office tasks. 

Flexibility plays a crucial role in building a cohesive team, helping enhance employees' satisfaction with their roles. 

For instance, don't force employees to work long hours in the office; instead, consider remote work options. 

Also, avoid judging an employee's performance based on a single project; instead, transfer them to another project or provide additional training if necessary.

9. Holding Regular Meetings

Meetings are the only opportunity to closely monitor the team's issues and project challenges, so they must be fully utilized. 

Avoid authoritarianism in framing discussions; most experts recommend allowing employees some space to express their concerns. 

Use emotional intelligence skills to influence the team and reassure them about the project's progress, as most employees trust a manager with charisma and authority. 

Also, keep the discussion focused on the meeting agenda to avoid dealing with unnecessary problems.

10. Offering Incentives and Rewards

Kind words and empty praise lose effectiveness over time, so you must find other ways to motivate the team. 

Providing incentives and rewards is an effective way to boost performance, ensuring higher competitiveness and positive impact on productivity. 

Rewards aren't limited to monetary bonuses; they can be symbolic, like organizing a small party or allowing early departure. 

You can also grant outstanding employees free vacations or send them on business trips abroad.


There's no magic formula or ready-made template for building a successful team, but the steps outlined above will help you achieve maximum effectiveness and cohesion. 

Teams will develop differently in each company based on internal policies, working conditions, and the professionalism of the HR department. 

I hope this article has touched on the key factors influencing team success.

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