What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

As long as search engines like Google, YouTube, or even Facebook exist, understanding how to interact with them to achieve high rankings in search results becomes crucial. This interaction is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

So, what exactly is SEO and why is it essential for business owners and projects, regardless of their industry or platform?


What is SEO?
What is SEO?

SEO refers to the practice of improving and maximizing the visibility and performance of a website or online content in search engine results. It involves various strategies and techniques aimed at increasing organic traffic and attracting the right audience.

If you're looking to grasp the ins and outs of dealing with search engines and if you're interested in utilizing SEO to drive traffic to your website or online store, you've come to the right place.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive answer to the question "What is SEO?" and delve into related aspects. You'll also gain valuable insights into search engines that will benefit you in your professional pursuits, regardless of their nature.

Furthermore, you'll explore different facets of SEO that professionals in the field and digital marketing specialists rely on.

How Do Search Engines Handle Keywords?

How Do Search Engines Deal With Keywords

There are various search engines across online platforms. For instance, on the website "TechSEOTool," you'll find a search symbol at the top. Clicking on it will open a rectangular box with the word "Search" inside.

If you enter a word, such as "YouTube," in this box and click the search symbol, you'll discover multiple relevant articles we have covered.

This serves as a simple example of search engines, which we will delve into further later. On the other hand, there is a prominent player in the search engine realm: Google.

If you type the word "YouTube" into Google, you'll receive over 17 billion results.

Now, you may wonder, "Would changing the phrasing slightly affect the search results?" and question, "How are the search results ranked?" These are valid queries. To address them, let's conduct the following experiment.

Open a new tab in your browser and return to the TechSEOTool's simple search engine. Type "YouTube" in the search bar and take note of the result order.

Repeat the experiment, but this time, type "the YouTube" in the TechSEOTool search, adding the word "the." You'll notice that the result order may differ from the previous search, even among the top results.

Now, repeat the same experiment using the Google search engine. You'll observe that the top results remain unchanged.

During your experiment on the TechSEOTool website, you're searching within our platform, and regardless of the number of results, it's limited. The result order holds little significance for us—remember this point as we will revisit it later.

However, for the Google search engine, which serves as a gateway for many internet users, the ranking of search results is crucial. It's no exaggeration to say that it can make or break companies and websites.

Don't believe me? Let me ask you, when was the last time you looked at the search results on the second or third page of Google while searching for something?

Among SEO professionals, there's a well-known saying: "If you want to hide something, put it on the second page of Google search results because no one will find it."

Now that you have a basic understanding of search engines, let's proceed to the next section where we define SEO and simplify the answer to your second question: "Based on what criteria are the search results ranked?"

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving and optimizing content to achieve higher visibility in search engine results. Its goal is to attract a larger organic audience.

For instance, web pages undergo specific adjustments and optimizations to appear among the top results when someone conducts a search on Google. This helps generate organic traffic to the website.

Similarly, videos are optimized in a particular way to appear prominently in search results on YouTube, which happens to be the second-largest search engine worldwide, following Google.

To illustrate this further, let's refer back to our previous example of the simple search on TechSEOTool. If you examine the titles of the initial search results, you'll notice that they all include the word "YouTube" in the title. However, as you go down the list, the word "YouTube" is no longer present in the titles. Nevertheless, you may find mentions of "YouTube" within the content of the articles themselves.

This highlights the essence of content optimization—adhering to specific rules aligned with search engine requirements to secure higher rankings in search results.

In essence, SEO encompasses the optimization and preparation of content to meet these requirements. I hope this straightforward example has provided you with a clear understanding of what SEO entails. Let's delve into further details as you continue reading.

What Are Search Engines

What Are Search Engines


To delve into the details of SEO, we must understand the fundamental concept of search engines. Search engines play a central role in SEO, as all optimization and improvement efforts revolve around their respective rules and algorithms.

A search engine is a program designed to explore a specific database and retrieve results that align with the user's query. There are various types of search engines and databases available.

As previously mentioned, let's consider the example of searching on the TechSEOTool website. This particular search engine is simplistic, consisting of basic code that searches the website's article database.

In contrast, we have the renowned search engine, Google, which boasts an immense and continuously expanding database. Google indexes and records a vast array of secure web pages, websites, and even social media posts in its database.

Types of Search Engines

There are numerous types of search engines, and it's important to note that specific classifications can be subjective, especially for everyday users seeking information.

Search engines differ based on the databases they search, their ability to extract information, understand user search intent, and the features they offer.

Let's continue with the previous experiment we conducted. Do you recall the number of articles you found when you entered the word "YouTube" in the TechSEOTool search box? It was approximately 6 articles.

Now, consider this: if you intentionally misspell the word as "Youtub" and conduct the same search on TechSEOTool, you'll find no results. However, try the same with Google.

As we saw earlier, when you entered the word "YouTube" on Google, the number of search results exceeded 17 billion. Now, if you enter the incorrect version as "Youtub," you'll still find a considerable number of results.

However, you'll notice that the first 20 results remain largely unchanged. Google understands your intent due to its robust database and advanced artificial intelligence capabilities. This sets it apart from simpler search engines like the one found on websites such as TechSEOTool.

When considering search engines, it's crucial to take into account the databases they utilize. The size and accuracy of these databases greatly influence the effectiveness of the search engine's underlying factors.

Google Search Engine Features

The power and dominance of Google as a search engine are undeniable. According to Search Engine Journal, Google holds nearly 70% of the search engine market share.

In terms of desktop usage, the latest statistics from the renowned website Statista for the year 2023 reveal that Google surpassed an 84% usage rate in the first month of the year.

These impressive figures can be attributed to the exceptional features that Google offers. It enables advanced search capabilities, allowing users to search based on specific time periods or for particular types of results, such as PDF files, among others.

Furthermore, Google allows users to search for results containing specific keywords in the page's title (URL) or within the content of the page itself. It also offers the option to search within specific websites, including popular platforms like Facebook.

Speed and accuracy are also distinguishing features of Google. It swiftly searches and indexes new websites and pages on the web, ensuring up-to-date and comprehensive results. This aspect, coupled with the vast size of its databases, has contributed to Google's near-monopoly in the market.

Such features of search engines and their databases have become indispensable for countless users and website owners who heavily rely on them for information retrieval and online presence.

Google's Ranking Factors

When it comes to website management and obtaining traffic from Google, understanding its ranking factors becomes crucial, given its significant market share.

Although Google has not explicitly disclosed all the factors, it is estimated that there are around 200 factors it considers when ranking search results, as confirmed by renowned SEO expert Brian Dean.

To grasp the essence of SEO, it is essential to be aware of the most critical factors Google relies on to determine search rankings. Here are the fundamental aspects:

1. Content Quality: The quality, volume, word usage, and formatting of the content are crucial for search result rankings. On-page SEO plays a significant role in optimizing these aspects.

2. Mobile Responsiveness: With nearly 60% of internet traffic originating from mobile devices, ensuring your website is responsive, visually appealing, and easy to navigate on mobile phones is vital.

3. Website Speed: Slow-loading websites negatively impact user experience. In today's fast-paced era, having a fast-loading website, both on mobile and desktop, is essential for Google to prioritize it in search results.

4. Domain / Website Authority and Relevance: Websites with specialized knowledge, authority, and influence in their respective fields are prioritized by Google. For instance, in a medical information search, reputable medical websites run by experts are considered more valuable than regular websites with superficial information. The more specialized and comprehensive a website's coverage of a topic, the higher it ranks in search results.

5. Backlinks: Backlinks refer to the number of links a website receives from other sites. These links contribute to the website's credibility and trustworthiness in Google's eyes. Having a strong network of backlinks strengthens your website's position in search rankings.

While there are other important factors, the ones mentioned above are pivotal in determining whether your website or specific page deserves to appear at the top of search results.

Types of SEO

There are several types of SEO that digital marketers, website managers, and companies should consider based on their goals and industry.

Each type of SEO requires specific expertise and techniques tailored to the respective platform and industry. By understanding and implementing the relevant types of SEO, businesses can enhance their online presence and attract the right audience.

Here are the key types of SEO to be aware of:

1. Content Pages SEO: This type focuses on optimizing the content of your website, including text, images, and formatting, to improve search engine rankings.

2. Images SEO: Optimizing images to enhance their visibility and ranking in image search results on platforms like Google or Bing.

3. E-Commerce SEO: Essential for online stores and businesses selling products. E-commerce SEO aims to drive traffic, increase conversions, and boost profits through optimization strategies tailored to product pages.

4. Local Business SEO: Specifically relevant for local businesses, such as restaurants, stores, or companies, seeking visibility on maps and search engine results. Local business SEO improves local search rankings and increases local customer reach.

5. Video SEO: Optimization techniques aimed at improving the visibility and rankings of videos on platforms like YouTube and in video search results on search engines.

6. SEO for Prominent Websites: This type of SEO targets well-known websites, such as Amazon or eBay, and involves strategies to ensure that their products or content dominate the search results within those platforms.


With a clear understanding of SEO, its various types, and the factors to consider, you can harness the power of this marketing channel to drive traffic to your website or promote your services at a minimal cost.

If you have a specific interest in any particular type of SEO and would like more detailed information and insights to utilize it for your business or online endeavors, please feel free to reach out to me.

Remember to share this article with anyone you believe would benefit from comprehending SEO, its advantages, and its mechanics. Stay tuned for further updates in the realm of digital marketing and online profitability.

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